Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Driving Ahead

The mission of BECA is to "combat poverty with education." The idea is to give Nicaraguans an opportunity to improve their economic situation via education.

When I talk to "Becados" I often ask them: "Why are taking this course?" (referring to CURSO UNO, the three month computer course)

Often I hear one of the following responses:
1) Quiero seguir adelante.
2) Quiero superarme.

In other words, they want to "keep driving ahead."

It is a noble thing to say, but frankly it won't be good enough if they want to apply for the second, more intensive scholarship.

They need to have a concrete, tangible career plan. In fact the career plan will represent 20% of their evaluation to see if they qualify for BECA Intensiva.

It is truly wonderful that the becados want to "drive ahead."

We want to know how.

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