Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Me and 35,175 Ticos*

Maybe not quite 35,175.

But close.

What am I talking about here?

I am on vacation in Costa Rica and last night I took in the Costa Rican national soccer team match against Mexico in the national stadium.

Quite the adventure!

Here are some recommendations in case you care to attempt something similar:
  • Don't bring your umbrella. It will be confiscated at the door.
  • Don't buy the national team flag of the opposing national team.
  • If you ignore the previous suggestion, don't even think about waving it during the match.
  • Keep your cash in a zipped pocket.
  • Feel free to wear the jersey of the opposing team, but don't cheer if they score.
  • If the opposing team is the national team of Mexico, yelling "Arriba, Arriba, Arriba" (speedy Gonzalez-style) is a no-no.
If you missed it, the result was positive for the home team (2-1).

It ended with fans in my section yelling at the top of their lungs "Get Out, Get Out, Get Out."

No, they weren't shouting at me.

I think.

*Costa Ricans are typically known as Ticos.

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