Thursday, October 10, 2013

How Does the BECA Team Work?

You may have heard me use the term "REY13" before.

What exactly is REY13?

It is the code name I gave a pilot project initiated this year in

In project REY13 -- with the cooperation of a high school in an outlying community of Masaya -- BECA began the scholarship qualifying stage while the students were still in their last year of high school. The logic is that in this way, the successful candidates will not "lose a year."

This is how we work in BECA Nicaragua. By project.

BECA's staff is trained in managing projects. I create and assign the projects. And then I do my best to try to help them along. (Or stay out of the way in some cases.)

Managing projects is an advanced skill. And in my experience, not many people know how to do it.

Fewer know how to do it well.

I decided that this was more empowering in the longer term for the organization.

It's a transferable skill that each team member can carry with them when they choose to leave us.

As it turns out, pilot project REY13 came to an end this week. Of 11 high school students who began their BECA journey eight months ago, 10 successfully completed their qualifying.

I congratulate all ten participants on their achievement and I congratulate project manager Miss Urania Montoya on its stewardship.