Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Him and Her

It happened something like this . . . 

"Let's dance," she prodded.

He didn't say anything, hoping that she might just forget about the idea.

Seconds of silence which seemed like hours to him.

"I said let's dance, Mister."

Seeing that a verbal response was inevitable, he offered up a measly "hmmmm", still hoping that she might seek another suitor.

She wasn't about to let the issue die.

"What's your problem? A little dance didn't kill anyone," she persisted.

Acknowledging the wisdom of her words, he acquiesed, "Okay, alright."

He pulled her up from her chair and they spent a couple of minutes holding hands, jumping to the music.

"See, that wasn't so hard!"


Life is short.

And it took a dancing partner -- 90 years young and 100% blind -- to remind him.

Him and Her (March 2013)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Thoughts on BECA's Latest Initiative

Project REY13.

It's a curious name for a project, so-named because it was hatched in BECA's 2012 student council, and the president happened to be named Reynaldo.

Indeed, it is the first project idea that has undertaken originating from the student council. (And hopefully it won't be the last.)

In brief it is about taking the classifying stage of BECA's program right to the high school. The students classify for their scholarship during their senior year.

In this way, the students don't miss a year before starting their post-secondary studies.

The Pioneers of REY13. They look young don't they? (March 2013) More pictures

It's a cool concept. It's cost-effective. I'm a little concerned about the age of the participants. Some of these kids are only 16 years old.

But hey, the mission of BECA is to provide an educational opportunity to high school graduates and project REY13 doesn't stray.

The greatest success of the project so far?

The administration by the BECA Coordinator in charge. Solid execution, very few hiccups, and strict attention to costs.

Is this the future of BECA Nicaragua?

Might be.

Let's have fun and see what happens.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Lemon

About a year ago I decided I was going to buy a car to be a little more mobile around here in Nicaragua.

A "friend" located a Chevrolet Optra, 2008.

Pretty on the outside.

It only had about 50,000 km. He checked it out and he said it was in perfect mechanical condition.


There is one very good thing about it, however.

It serves as excellent fodder for jokes around the office.  

Mi limón rojo. (My red lemon.)

One thing it does well: banana peel receptacle.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Having Fun

Recently it came to my attention that one of our contacts in a partner school took exception to my "joking manner."

This came as quite a surprise to me. (And possibly to the BECA team member in my company.)

It seems that an Executive Director of a national foundation -- that would be ME -- should not be making jokes in meetings with "important people" -- whatever "important" means.

The timing of this occurrence was curious because it was only recently that I was emphasizing to the BECA team the importance of having fun on the job.

We even made a poster of three themes that we would try to rally around in 2013.

Has this experience changed my approach?

Nope. Not for a split-second.

After all, life is _ _ _ _ _, isn't it? Let's enjoy the ride.

A Classic Photo from the BECA Archives (2010) Are these becados having fun, or what. . . and it's a social project!