Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Loving Good Design

Some companies take the time to think before they produce something.

We are talking about a mentality.

And that mindest translates into a product family that is well-designed.

The classic modern-day example is Apple and their ipods, iphones, and ipads.

How can you tell a well-designed product when you see one?

For me the answer lies in the ease-of-use of the product (or service).

That is, the manufacturer has taken into consideration every minute detail before launch.

The details matter!

The same applies to a non-profit organization like ours,,  and the programs we offer and the projects we execute.

I try to impress upon our team that excellence is found in the details.

I am happy to say that they are responding.

And I can now direct more of my love of design on our very own initiatives instead of elsewhere.

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