Thursday, February 21, 2013

Once in a While a Picture Comes Along . . .

I must admit that I have been feeling a little weary lately.

A few complaints can wear you down.

I understand it. I liked to complain a lot when I was a teenager.

Nevertheless, at times it depresses you when you think that you are trying to do something positive.

It makes you question things. Is BECA -- this dream of mine -- really needed here in Nicaragua?

And then a beautiful picture comes along . . .

BECA graduate Seferina Amador with Family (February 2013)

. . . to remind you that it is all worthwhile.

This photo was taken by one of our Coordinators recently at the graduation ceremony of BECA student Seferina Amador (and now Nursing Technician!)

I'm assuming the gentleman in the foreground is Seferina's father, but it could be an uncle. It doesn't really matter.

Look at that face! The satisfaction. The joy. The pride.

Do you see what I see?

Congratulations, Seferina. We know what a supreme challenge it was for you to finish.

Thanks, Seferina. For helping me understand what this BECA thing is all about.

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