Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cruelty, Rules and Impartiality

Some call us in BECA inflexible and cruel.


We like to stick to our guns.

A program like ours requires policies.

Well actually it doesn't require policies, but one of BECA's values is impartiality.

And I believe strongly that there is no possible way to respect this value if we don't have policies that are transparent, well-communicated, and -- here is the kicker -- enforced evenly on all program participants.

Sometimes these policies do appear cruel. It is difficult to anticipate in advance all of the "exceptions" that may present themselves. A severe illness. An accident. A broken camera.

The reality is that there i) have been, ii) are, and, iii) will be exceptions. Always.

Some (many?) say that in Nicaragua it isn't what you know, or how hard you try, but it's who you know.

As long as I'm associated with BECA, I will do my damndest to make sure this doesn't creep into our organization.

No playing favorites.

And no making exceptions, however cruel that may appear to some.

And I make no apologies for it.

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