Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Blog About Blogs

Do you ever do something on a regular basis that you have been doing for quite a while and that you think is a good thing but you aren't really sure why? [Please say yes.]

Well that is the situation here in BECA with the blogs.

It goes something like this.

BECA students have been writing weekly blogs since we started here in Nicaragua in 2008.

For doing so, each blogger receives a bonus in their monthly payment.

From what I can tell, some students love doing it, some students hate doing it, and most are neutral and simply see it as an obligation.

Initially I perceived it as a way that sponsors could monitor the progress of their students.

As BECA moves away from the foreign sponsorship model, this no longer qualifies as a raison d'etre.

So what do we do? Get rid of the blog component?

I asked the BECA team for a recommendation. They came back to me with a list of pros and contras. [groan . . .geez, thanks a lot guys].

So I guess it's kinda up to me.

And I'm really torn up about the issue.

Somehow, deep, deep down, I think it's a really good thing.

But I ask you . . . is it pure nostalgia doing the thinking?

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