Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's the Culture, Stupid!

Adapting to a new culture is enjoyable but remains challenging from time to time.

One of the things that my visitors notice is that Nicaraguans don't have the regular custom to say "thank you."

When food is involved.

Let's say you buy someone here a slice of pizza. He or she will gladly accept the pizza slice. He or she will eat the pizza slice. And he or she will look happy eating the pizza slice.

He or she WON'T be saying thank you after the snack.

I can vouch that the issue is definitely not a lack of manners or decorum.

It's the culture, stupid! :)

The reality is that Nicaraguans are extremely polite. For example, Nicas are meticulous about excusing themselves when leaving a gathering of people, regardless of the size. I don't see many Canadians doing that. We're too busy rushing to the next item on our to-do list.
Over all, I figure that Nicaragua would win the silver medal in the Politeness Olympics. Costa Rica would win the gold. (The "standing in line" competition would do Nicaragua in, but that's another blog entry . . . )

Here's a thought. On your next trip to Nicaragua -- you're coming soon, right? -- leave your big bag of "food thank you expectations" behind.

And get ready to learn a different culture of courtesy and civility.

And, no, you don't have to thank me for the tip. :)

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