Thursday, August 2, 2012

giving adVICE

It's fun to ask people what their "secret of success" is. Whither that be career-oriented, spiritual, or matrimonial.

So when I heard about the book that Katie Couric put together, "The Best Advice I Ever Got - Lessons from Extraordinary Lives," I didn't hesitate.

(7.5 /10, for those that know that I like to score almost anything and everything.)

As one might expect, the bestest advice was all over the map:
  • Be bold. 
  • There is no substitute for hard work.
  • The best learning lesson I can give you on accomplishment is to listen.
  • There is no success without failure. Period. And usually a lot of it.
  • One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.
  • Sadness is the soul recognizing change.
I like the last one, but my favorite . . . (by far!):
  • Don’t give advice.
Not sure why. It just is.

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