Friday, June 15, 2012

Sometimes It Feels a Little Uncomfortable

Currently BECA Nicaragua has about 60 students in the classification stage.
I try to keep a low profile and let the BECA team handle things, but it's such great fun paying these young people a visit.

17 of the Current Crop of BECA Nicaragua Candidates (June 2012)
I get a big kick out of these visits, but there are some fidgety moments.

You see, they can be a little effusive.

"Thank you so much for showing up here in Nicaragua". . . "Thank you for this incredible opportunity" . . . "Thank you for saving my life" (!!!), etc.

It's really really nice hearing those kind of things. That isn't the uncomfortable part.

Things get uncomfortable when I try to share my point of view.

"Hey you guys, I feel like I'm the fortunate one here, because look what I get to do."


And I have an idea what they're thinking. Another nutty gringo. Or he sounds like a politician. Or what a phony. Like they want to say "cut the crap."

I guess it may be better to keep my mouth shut and accept their gratitude without responding.

But you know, I want them to know what an honor it is for me to be involved, and how much I learn every day, about myself, and about the world . . . from them!

Either way, it's all very interesting (to me).

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