Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Moment in Time

L to R: Eliezer, Urania, WH, Ana, Maryury
Event: a dinner to celebrate the success of BECA marketing in Masaya

Invited: all the members of the BECA Nicaragua team

Not in attendance: Antonio Rodriguez, the "gran queso" of Nicaragua

Context: We're on the second floor of a restaurant wondering where Antonio might be. Suddenly, on the street below, a school parade passes. And who might we see? No one but the gran queso himself, shepherding along his youngest son.

The magic of the moment: Despite all going around him, Antonio pulls out his camera and snaps this photo from the street. How many people would have the kindness of spirit and foresight to stop what he was doing -- minding his distracted child in a parade -- to take a picture of a celebration in which he couldn't participate? Voila, an instant classic, taken by one of the most thoughtful men I know. BECA is blessed to have him.

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