Thursday, January 12, 2012

How Do You Define Success?

"He's successful."

I think many of us have heard someone described in this way.

Or maybe we've even done it ourselves.

And it isn't hard to figure out what the speaker is referring to.

The person in question has got bucks.

Oodles of cash.

They're "loaded." (Do people still say that?)

And we don't question this modern-day definition, do we?

But maybe we should.

Author Peter Buffett thinks so.

He challenges the popular understanding of the term "success" in his book "Life is What You Make It."

And so I ask all of you, my loyal 3 readers, "How do you define success?"

("In twenty words or less" is how I would define a successful answer.)

1 comment:

  1. Success is doing something in life that you enjoy and in doing this you are also helping others.
