Friday, October 7, 2011

My Main Man

I've been grumbling quite a bit lately.

It's time to take a moment to appreciate some of the good things BECA has going for it. And it has many.

But one thing stands out from all the others. By a long way.

Antonio Rodriguez.

He's anointed Executive Director of BECA Nicaragua, but, more than that, he's my main man here in Nicaragua.

He's been with me for more than two years now doing everything from chopping grass with a machete alongside students to making strategic plans for our future.

Moreoever, the poor guy has to put up with listening to all my crazy ideas. Worse yet, he has to implement some of them. [jajajaja] (And there have been some doozies!)

And he always does so with such grace, with such aplomb. He never complains. He just gets the job done.

I tell people his hiring was a curse. Why?

I thought all future employees would be like him. 

Antonio Rodriguez, with "Becados" Jhelem and Martha, Matagalpa, September 2011
The future of BECA Nicaragua is in great hands.

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