Friday, May 13, 2011

I Don't Know Who Told Me

. . . but I want to kiss them.

I'm talking about the person who recommended noise-cancelling headphones to me.

Here's why.

My Nicaragua is noisy.

Chickens clucking. Dogs barking. Humans yelling. Cars honking. Cats fighting on the roof. Roosters crowing. Ghetto blasters blasting.

Roosters crowing some more.

And I live in a city (Masaya).

I do appreciate the spirit of the place, I really do, but sometimes the noise never seems to end.

And then God created noise-cancelling headphones.

A month ago I had absolutely no idea they even existed. And, I was dubious.

"Yeah, right. Money-cancelling headphones."

They work. THEY REALLY REALLY WORK. Oh my Lord, what a Godsend. (All biblical references 100% justified!)

Now if I could only remember who gave me the idea in the first place.

Amnesia-cancelling headphones anyone?

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