Saturday, May 21, 2011

And Those that Blog Shall One Day Rule the World

Good news.

Two months ago I mentioned in this space that Masaya has quite few buildings in sorry states of disrepair.

Buildings that I refuse to go near. In all.I thought there might be a dozen or so of these monstrosities in Masaya. I posted a picture of one right around the corner from where I live.

Hey, somebody is listening. They -- whoever they are -- yellow-taped the perimeter this morning and the mumbo jumbo on the street says it has been scheduled to be demolished.

Even La Prensa (the most popular national newspaper of Nicaragua) picked up the story (spanish).

It turns out the building was severely damaged in the Earthquake of 2000. Let's hope the demolition doesn't take another 11 years.

But, hey, that is their way. Nicaraguans take their time doing things around here. It's not a bad thing, just different. It's not a bad thing, just different. It's not a bad thing, just different. (repeat 20 times) :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Walter. I was reading your blg and I`m remembering that I also saw this new in La prensa Newspaper, and im pretty sure that its the right time for demolish that build because its very dangerous for all the people thta day by day walk around there but let`s wait for it.
    Karla Nicaragua.
