Sunday, May 29, 2011

Elvis is Alive and Working in . . .

. . . Masaya, Nicaragua.

I'm talking about BECA's very own Elvis Flores.

Elvis was one of our first "original seven" graduates. He studied tourism.

Quite frankly, I didn't think his chances were too great of holding down a job, or for that matter, even getting one.

In fact, now that I think about it, we weren't even going to accept Elvis into the program.His marks in school were average at best and he often seemed distracted. The career plan he submitted was sloppy.

Someone convinced me to let him have a shot.

Elvis Flores -  Hotel Campo Real, Nicaragua (May 2011)
I was wrong about Elvis.

After graduation, Elvis was the first to go out and get a job. Yep, the first.

And, he's still there. That would be about 8 months now.

I paid him a visit on Friday, and in my own goofy way tried to let him know how grateful I am. Why grateful?

I learned a very important lesson through my experience with Elvis.

Simply that everyone deserves a shot. Muchas gracias, Elvis.

BECA is a better program because of you.


  1. Walter is so many young people are distracted by problems in their classes in their homes and also by poor feeding. I'm proud of you for giving us the opportunity to transforms our lives beca00318 eileen

  2. Asi es Walter muchos jovenes se distraen en sus clases por problemas en su hogares y tambien por la mala alimentacion . estoy orgullosa de usted por darnos la oportunidad de tranformar nuestras vidas beca00318 eileen
