Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Letting the Walrus Out of the Bag

I was catching up on some online news yesterday when I came across this baby walrus pic.

Source: New York Times 10-9-12

So adorable!

A "cute pic" can really impact me.

Two examples of BECA pics that have done the same.

Becada Yessica Lanuza and Friend (BECA Brigade, EstelĂ­ 2011)

Becada Kenia Ortiz and Friends (Ortiz Family Home, Masaya 2008)
Both pics affected me. 

The pic with Yessica confirmed something that I already suspected. That the BECA social service component -- the "Brigade" -- was a beautiful thing and was worth maintaining, whatever it takes.

The second pic was taken at the home of then BECA-applicant Kenia Ortiz. Kenia became one of our first students. I think I took this picture myself. It was early on in BECA's life and to this day it still makes my eyes wet. I remember asking myself, "Why shouldn't this elegant, responsible young woman have an opportunity to study something if that is what her heart desires?" 

I guess the cat is now out of the bag. Show me a cute pic, and I'm yours.

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