Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lessons from Obama (not)

I pay close attention to U.S. politics. It's a hobby. [Aside. I'm not the only Canadian to do so. Just visit the website of my hometown paper, The Edmonton Journal. You'd think Edmonton was an American city!]

Which brings me to the flavor of the month in U.S. politics - these presidential debates.

I watched the one on Tuesday, October 16th, and would like to share an observation.

I took notice when Romney approached Obama on the stage to banter at one point early on. Obama's reaction was to turn his back on him and walk back to his stool.

Source: Youtube (October 16th, 2012)

I was incredulous.

The interesting thing is that I probably wouldn't have noticed PN (pre-Nicaragua).

So what's the big deal?

It just doesn't happen here.

Nicaraguans don't turn their backs. Nicaraguans don't walk away. If they have to walk away, they excuse themselves.

It's a beautiful thing.

And it's another thing I adore about Nicaragua and their people.

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