Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Manhattan Project

It was my Mother's dream to visit the heart of New York City (aka Times Square) in the wintertime.

And she was looking for volunteers.

Mother and Son in front of some NYC Famous Tree, 12/11
"Okay. I'm in."

So off we went. And it went pretty good.

One thing that fascinated me was the incredible array of languages to be heard on the street.

I found myself checking out people before I asked them to take our picture. Screening for English speakers, no less.

That bombed out pretty good, but I did run into some Latin Americans. (No Nicaraguans.)

Anyway, when I was hearing these foreign tongues I couldn't help but think how wonderful it would be if one day some of our BECA students had the opportunity to come to New York City and hear it for themselves.

Not sure why this popped in my head.

Is it a pipe dream? Probably, but you know sometimes dreams do come true.

Right, Mom?


  1. espero que pase muy bien con su Madre y que usted también lo disfrute.

  2. si, son sueños, pero algunos sueños pueden llegar a hacerse realidad.
    Espero que disfrute mucho a lado de su madre.Feliz año Nuevo.
