Friday, November 18, 2011

I Have Seen the Devil

Devils, actually.

And they are running rampant causing havoc all over the capital city of Costa Rica.

Fortunately, they can be easily identified.

They have two wheels.

And they wear . . . helmets (most of the time).


I have commented before in this space on the abominable driving habits of Costa Ricans.

However a series of strict new road safety laws that came into effect last year seems to have worked wonders.

On the drivers of motor vehicles.

Not so with the "MotoTicos."

These two-wheeled maniacal monsters remain undeterred in their pleasure of making the roads of San José a most unpleasant driving experience.

I conclude that their taunting, incessant weaving in and out of traffic can only be the work of the devil.

I have been told that those heretofore-mentioned traffic laws also apply to the motorcycles.

It absolutely befuddles me why the "powers that be" not see it as their duty to apply the rules to all.

My response?

Sadly, Costa Rica goes back to bearing the "banana republic" label until such time that they straighten out this morass.

That would make President Laura Chinchilla Banana Republican numero uno. Are you listening Laura?

1 comment:

  1. La verdad que no solo en ticolandia existe eso de exceso de velocidad de las motocicletas, en los noticieros de Nicaragua a diaria hay muchos motorizados que mueren a causa de viajar con tanta velocidad se creen que soy dueños del mundo, mas se da en la capital Managua.
