Sunday, September 4, 2011

Is a Train Always Coming?

I love many things about the Nicaraguan people I've met, but one seemingly insignificant detail of life here never ceases to impress me.

"Nicas" will almost never be the first to terminate a personal face-to-face conversation.

They wait for me to say "adios" and pull the plug. (And I usually indulge them.)

I am awed by this unselfish act of grace and respect I encounter on a daily basis.

It ain't so easy. Go and give it a try.

I challenge you to go 24 hours without being the first to end any of your one-on-one personal interactions.

Let me know how it works out for you.

My own experiment bombed. Mind you, I was up against the masters.

What's the hurry? Is a train always coming?

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