Sunday, August 21, 2011

Meet Mr. Hard-ass

One of the BECA Coordinators quit this week.The "official" reason submitted was that she found a better job. The "unofficial" reason: Walter is too difficult to work for. He's a hard-ass.

It's grapevine stuff, but I really can't deny it. The now ex-Coordinator is right. I am very demanding.

Here's the thing.

I make NO apologies for it.

BECA isn't about creating another ordinary middling do-gooder organization. I assure you that there are plenty of those to go around here in Nicaragua. (Not that there's anything wrong with that. To each their own.)

But I won't stand for it. Not for BECA.

Here's why.
  1. I feel strongly that to achieve sustainability -- so BECA will keep going when I'm out of the picture -- we have to deliver good value to all of our "stakeholders" out there. We want you to keep supporting us. Fancy marketing doesn't provide that. Hollow promises doesn't provide that. Mediocre performance definitely doesn't. Only excellent results will make it happen.
  2. We call our students "clients." And it's for good reason. BECA only exists to serve them. Many, many, many -- did I say many? -- have been dealt a crappy hand in life. They really deserve a break. Geez, I figure it's the least we can do. And over my dead body are they going to be served poorly. They've been there, done that.
  3. I am a perfectionist. It just isn't in my DNA to do something halfway. It isn't going to happen, no matter how hard I try to adjust
In the end, people who come to work at BECA have to know that we won't accept half-ass contributions. Only dedicated people need apply. People willing to do their very best. At all times.

Our first Nicaraguan hire is one. So I know they exist.

And I'll keep going until I find more.

Spoken like a bonafide hard-ass, huh? :)

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