Sunday, March 6, 2011

How do you Spell Relief?

I'll tell you how I spell it.


Allow me to explain.

I hate to admit it, but I'm getting a little tired. And I need a little more help. After a three month trial, I've decided to promote Nicaraguan Melida Madrigal -- who was training to be a Coordinator -- as Assistant Director.

I've got my fingers crossed that she has what it takes to take over as Director after a while. She's bright, she speaks decent English, has studied in Gringolandia, and seems to be passionate about what we are doing here.

I think it's time these people started to take over, dontcha think?


  1. I think it looks like it has and represents the most qualified to be who you are and to become what is worth, so with experience in what he does and enjoys doing what is think so.

    Frank Collado Beca 00159

  2. Deff she is a such a goopd person... 00194
    Edgard Mauricio Castillo Martinez
    on Walter's blog

  3. I think she is the Perfect person for that kind of job and i`m sure that she will do it very but very good....
    Karla Nicaragua.
    Beca 00226
