Friday, December 31, 2010

Playing Favorites

Once in a while I'm asked if I have a "favorite" student in BECA.

Tough question.

Being the Martian that I am, it is really hard to break through that language (and cultural) barrier and really get to know what someone is like here in Nicaragua. I mean what he or she is really like. Neither do I think it is appropriate behaviour to get "too close."

Nevertheless, I can't help but be impressed by several students in our program..

If BECA ever gave an award for "Student of the Year," it would probably be Esther Carballo. Not only does Esther excel academically -- all marks consistently in the 90s -- but she is always there whenever we have activities. In fact, I don't think Esther has missed one community project all year.

Bottom line, Esther always shows up.

Therefore it really didn't come as a huge surprise when I paid her a house visit earlier this year. A picture on the wall got my attention.

She went to the trouble of framing a picture of two of her BECA sponsors, Kay and Henry.

Esther Carballo 10/16/2010

Need I say more? I won't say she's my favorite. But she's of one of the students I really admire.

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