Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm a Martian

How do I get along with the Nicaraguan students?

Well, let's see here.

Most are more than half my age. Given my pathetic Spanish, it's fair to say that they speak a different language. Let's not even talk about customs and cultural stuff.

All in all, I'm pretty much a Martian to them.

The last few months, I've spent quite a bit of time with some of them.

Why? Well, many are crazy about learning English and one group of four tourism students asked if I could help them out a bit.

When other students got wind of it, they also wanted to receive classes. Kinda tough to say no after you've gone along with the idea for others.

Before I knew it, I was giving 2 hour sessions, 4 times a week to about 18 students from various careers.

(Aside: I still am not fussy about this obsession they have with English. I don't know, it just kind of smacks of some form of imperialism. Nevertheless, that is fodder for another blog . . . )

This English gig occupies a lot of time. Probably way more time than I expected to dedicate to the endeavour when I started. (A teacher prepare? Have teachers always been doing that?)

Back to the original question. I think we get along pretty good and they write some nice things in their blogs about me.

But hold on, not so fast!  Don't forget that Nicaraguans are incredibly polite.

And I don't think they'd ever tell this Martian otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Howard,

    The English classes are such a fantastic idea! I can't believe no one has brought it up earlier. Imperialism aside, in today's world if you want to be successful, mastering another language is not only an asset, it's a must. Can you imagine how much of a competitive advantage your students would have over other candidates the moment they are on the job market? Knowing English would be a terrific way for them to distinguish themselves. I'm all for it!

    By the way, I can't wait to see you!!! I should be in Nicaragua around May/June. Maybe I can teach your students a few classes :P

