Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why Am I Walter?

My name is Howard.

At least that is what I have used my entire life. Yeah, some people call me How or Howie, but let's not split hairs - they are offshoots.

So, now what's up with this Walter thing? Where did that come from?

Well it really wasn't my idea. The story goes something like this.

Originally, I arrived in Nicaragua to do volunteer work arranged through an organization called Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD). We are talking about fall 2007.

I was exploring Microfinance at the time and they facilitated an internship with a small Microcredit in Masaya. (If you are really desperate for reading material, you can check out my adventures in Microfinance beginning here.)

Anyway, the person in charge here with FSD in Nicaragua was a lady called Maria de Jesus. I know, I know a lady named Jesus. And they call her BY HER WHOLE NAME! You'd think they'd shorten it to just "Maria" but no way.  Back to my original story . . .

So when I show up Maria de Jesus tells me that Howard just won't work in Nicaragua.


I spent time in Ecuador. No Howard problems. I lived in Costa Rica for a couple of years. No Howard problems.

She insists that that Howard was way too difficult to pronounce and, besides, Nicaragua didn't have any Howards. Maria asked me what my second name was.


Maria: "¡Perfecto! Desde ahora es Walter!" ["Perfect, from now on you will be Walter."]

Hmmm. Well, would you second guess a lady named Jesus? I didn't and figured that Walter wouldn't be so bad. After all, it's my Dad's name. And my Dad is one of my heroes. Kinda nice to be reminded of him several times a day, I thought.

So it didn't take me long to accept the idea. Don't forget that my initial plan was to stay in Nicaragua for only six months, so it would be hardly much of a sacrifice.

So I started my Nicaraguan life as a Walter.

The story doesn't end there. After three months here, I roomed with a family - the Chavarrias. In short order they took me to meet the neighbor next door.

The affable gentleman introduced himself "Mucho gusto conocerlo. Soy . . Walter.Y, es mi hijo. Se llama Walter tambiƩn."

Two Howards living right next door!

Moral of the story. Never believe a lady named Jesus. <laughing>

1 comment:

  1. You're a funny man Howard. Good to hear your 'voice'.
