Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm Gonna Have Grandchildren!

Well, sort of.

It's all that about chicken egg I drew your attention to in a previous blog entry.

Now there are eight of those eggs and "Waltercita" is hard at work keeping them all warm to make chickens come out.

Here's the best part. It is all coming down in my closet! I helped her a little bit with her nest -- you can see the towel in the pic -- and now it's a waiting game.

The really amazing thing -- as if you're not amazed enough already -- is that she only leaves the closet every couple of days to get a bite to eat and, well, to relieve herself. 

I'm pretty impressed by that last part. Quite the polite Waltercita, wouldn't you say?


I'm not sure when my grandkids will appear but you will be the first to know!

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