Monday, May 31, 2010

Crimes and Punishment


I'm talking about penalizing "bad" student behaviour. It's a subject that comes up once in a while here at BECA.

Personally, I'm not a fan of it. I'm a firm believer in using rewards to incent as opposed to using punishment to dissuade.

Nevertheless, I guess there comes a time, when you have to put your foot down and say "enough is enough."

One of these times occurred this month (May). Four students decided to go off on their own, change their program of studies, and enroll in an extra English course - without informing BECA administration. That's a big no-no.

Incredulously, they somehow managed to convince the school administration to give them a 50% discount for the English course and scrape together the monthly $6 fees. Huh???

Where did that money come from? (A sympathetic grandfather, a government bonus, a sister . . . it turns out.)

But what to do? These are young adults, after all. It was quite a mess.

What made it more difficult was to the end they maintained their innocence and two of the participants actually blamed another student for not informing them that they were doing something wrong.

That is when I drew the line. "Come on you guys, let's accept some responsibility here."

In the end, we decided that they had to be disciplined. (They go to the bottom of the list to raise money for their careers for 2011, amongst other things.)

I applaud their desire to learn. I just figure that we have to maintain some order here and enforce some rules. Isn't the integrity of the BECA program at stake?

Or does the integrity of the program really matter??? I'm not sure.

Stay in touch, dear reader. Something tells me there will be more to this story.

(Hopefully not) to be continued.


  1. Every time I read the BECA blog I can't help but feeling how much I wish being there to help out Walter... Lisa

  2. Walter, en verdad que fue un gran error la de esas cuatro estudiantes, y es bueno mantenerse duro para que ellas aprendan y no solo ellas tambièn nosotros para no cometer el mismo error. Espero que ellas sepan aprovechar la oportunidad que ustedes le dieron.
    Esther Carballo

  3. Walter asi dice mi mamá todos debemos de ser sancionados o castigados esas presonas andan enojadas conmigo porque a ellas las castigaron y a mi no. y yo digo solo locuras son porque no piensan en las cosas yo iba a tomar ese curso pero mis padres no tenian para la mensualidad y como a mi me gusta el ingles lo queria estudiar pero ya veo que todo tiene que ser a su tiempo. Bueno lo espero en unos de los partidos que tendremos usted me dice el domingo que quiera ir y yo lo mantengo informado. Gracias por leer mi blog.
    Gema Escobar Beca00216

  4. Hola ! Según el número de (ICE) opinión española, se puede enseñar español a persona media en sólo 2 meses y esto no es sólo un reclamo. Si tienes aptitudes, habilidades de aprendizaje rápido y la cantidad de tiempo, incluso se puede llevar a cabo con mayor eficacia.

    año académico en el extranjero.
