Saturday, November 19, 2011

A (very indirect) Blurb About Me

Did someone every tell you that you could learn about a person by getting to know their siblings?

Kelly Klapstein

Now you have.

Kelly Klapstein - my one and only sibling - recently wrote a little blurb about herself.

(Knowing Kelly, that "little blurb" probably took hours, but that's another story.)

Anyway, it's quite a refreshing blurb.

Very direct and provocative. Okay, not provocative.

Did you learn anything by reading the blurb?

About her brother, that is?

(Other than I love the word "blurb"?) hahahahahahaha

Congratulations to Canada Scrapbooker's guest designer for 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I'll try to be more provocative in the future....hee hee. Thanks for the acknowledgement, Howard Walter. Perhaps you will be featured on someone else's blog....really soon.
