Friday, September 23, 2011

Do You Believe in Tough Love?

Wikipedia says that "tough love is an expression used when someone treats another person harshly or sternly with the intent to help them in the long run."
Do you believe in tough love?

It is something I've been thinking about quite a lot lately.

Quite a few of the young people in BECA have a lot of problems or "challenges" (for those of you who write me to say that "problem" is a negative word.)

We know that they have serious economic issues, but I didn't realize how many health issues, learning issues, and other family issues they also bring to the table.

At times, it's a little overwhelming.

What's BECA to do?

The tendency is to stick our nose in and try to help them sort everything out.

But . . . and here comes the hard part . . . we really can't.

It is a wonderful idea, a beautiful concept, a noble goal, and on and on, but it ain't realistic.

I've come to the conclusion that BECA's life expectancy as a sustainable organization is greater if it sticks to the knitting: giving an opportunity for serious-minded Nicaraguans to get a technical career.

Here's the cruel bottom line. BECA is not in the saving lives business. 

More than anything, it means that if you can't attend school on a consistent and regular basis, then we can't help you. Period.

And believe you me, it isn't easy to watch.
Now, is that tough love?

You tell me.

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