Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shout out to My Scrapbooking Sister

"Shout out" -- that's what they say these days, right? -- to Kelly.

She's a scrapbooker.

She does other stuff, too, but let's focus on the scrapbooking for a moment.

It seems she was just chosen to supply the Fall cover of Canadian Scrapbooker magazine.

Supposedly this is a prestigious publication in Scrapbooking circles.

¡Que bueno, Kelly! 
Did you know?: Incredibly, Wikipedia says that "over 4 million women in the United States alone consider themselves to be scrapbookers."

What they fail to mention out is that 7 men are also involved in the activity. Kelly swears one of them is in Edmonton. I have yet to see evidence of this, but I will take her word for it.

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