Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Few Random Thoughts from Ticolandia

Two weeks have passed by in Ticolandia.

What am I enjoying?
  • A nice gym. There is a modern gym minutes from my house. Yes, I have an elliptical machine in Nicaragua, but it isn't quite the same thing.
  • Cooler weather. It is suffocatingly hot right now in Masaya. Don't miss it.
  • FAST Internet. I have a speedy connection in my San José home. I can watch streaming hockey games on TV. Which brings me to . . .
  • Hockey. Yes, it's playoff time. Hockey every night. I cheer for the underdog.
  • Poker tournament Internet streams. Right now there is a big tournament from Monte Carlo being shown every day on the computer. Yummy.
Of course there is a huge down side to being away. 

What am I missing?
Can't wait to go back home.

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