Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hey Walter, Chill out!

Four years down here -- hey, almost five! -- in Nicaragua and I still find it easy to get caught up in obsessing over details (of the BECA program).

Details that in the whole scheme of things don't really matter that much.

So I'm writing this blog to remind myself of something important - enjoying the moment.
Dear Walter,

Sure it's important that BECA run efficiently and smoothly but it isn't the end of the world when you encounter a hiccup here and there. Or even a hiccup "grande." It's wonderful that you pride yourself in being some kind of master organizer, but . . .
  • Stop and smell the roses.
  • Remember that life is short.
  • Have fun!
P.S. Check out this video and learn a little bit about this from the BECA program participants, okay?

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