Thursday, February 16, 2012

It Happened Like This

 . . . very early one brisk February morning in Estelí, Nicaragua.

"Good morning," says the papaya-seeking Gringo approaching María, a middle-aged street vendor busy cutting up fruit in her street corner kiosk.

"The same to you," replies María.

Stepping in closer to inspect the fruit on display, he notices a dog lying passively beside María.

"Nice dog, it's a doberman, right?" probes the Gringo.

"Yep," replies María. "But don't worry one bit, he's an absolute pussycat" not taking her eye off her fruit-cutting.

"Are you sure?"

"Wouldn't hurt a fly," María confirms in a soothing voice.

"Great!" Feeling a little bit more at ease, the Gringo steps in closer to pet the animal.

"GUAU GUAU GUAU!!!"  (loud Spanish barks and growls)

Alarmed he jumps back thinking that maybe the dog doesn't care much for foreigners.

Looking over to María, he asks, "By the way, what's your dog's name?"

María looks up from her fruit smiling innocently.


"Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering" replies the Gringo walking away . . .

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