Friday, June 24, 2011

Pulling My Hair Out

I have had some challenges on this "adventure."

Nothing too, too serious.

I have come to believe that the "tranquilo" approach to life in Nicaragua often tranquilizes what otherwise might have been an aggressive reaction on my part.

Tough to get too worked up about a lousy website programmer when some of the people around you don't have enough money to buy medicine for their sick kid.

Nicaragua, I think it's fair to say, has mellowed me.

Case in point. I was going to write about how maddening and frustrating it has been to get the BECA team here in Nicaragua to understand the importance of being well-organized.

[Aside: It's always been my experience that effective, successful companies are super well-organized -- organizationally and on an individual "key actor" level -- and I see no reason to believe that the non-profit sector should be any different.]

But you know, as I started to write, I realized that I'm not that bothered about the whole thing.

And instead of pulling my hair out, you ask?

I went and got a haircut.

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