Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Favorite Time of The Year

March and April in Masaya can be unbearably hot.

Nevertheless, they are my favorite months of the year here. Here's why:

Yep, it's a mango. And better yet . . . it's a mango from my neighbor's tree that decided to drop in my garden and pay me a visit.

This particular variety -- the locals call it a "Rosa" -- is absolutely divine. (I swear when God was coming up with ideas for fruits, the blessed mango was His master stroke of genius.)

Sadly, they only show up in late March and April.

But I'm a gracious host. Take a look at this backyard bonanza:

Next week I'm going to Edmonton to visit family.

What was I thinking planning a trip away from this backyard paradise at this time of year???

1 comment:

  1. wooow al parecer le encanta mucho saber que cuenta con ese mes en especial de poder disfrutar de la delicia y bonanza de los mangos de rosa, por que son rojos o por que son de alguien llamado rosa, eso no importa si no que le encantan, espero le valla genial en su viaje a Edmonton bye.

    att Frank Collado beca 00159
