Saturday, July 31, 2010

Caving In (a little bit)

Everyone here wants to study English. Everyone.

I have never been too crazy about the idea of qualifying scholarships to study English. How come?

I have a bunch of reasons.

1) BECA is about getting a job at the end. English is a fine complement, but it is not a technical career, per se.

2) Most English courses consist of two hours daily. At this rate, how long is it going to take to be literate? 5 years? 10 years? Ever?

3) Personal distaste. I just don't like the concept that a Gringo organization comes to a country that speaks Spanish and says . . . "Learn my revered language and get ahead." It has never sat well with me. I can't explain it any better than that.

However stubborn I may be, circumstances have changed to a degree.

The fact of the matter is that Call Centers represent one of the only growing industries in Nicaragua.These places desperately need English speakers and they pay pretty good. Moreover, we discovered an institute that delivers an intensive course in English at Ave Maria University. 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. They promise a TOEFL (English language competency exam) pass in eight months.

So, with my tail comfortably ensconced between my legs, BECA will pilot one student through the seven month course of English studies.

His name is Nosbal. And I have eight months to prepare my "crow" pie.


  1. As much as it goes against your 'ethical' grain, at least you are big enough to reverse your opinion and capitalize on another opportunity. ESL (for skilled BECA graduates)will hopefully lead to better earned wages and a better standard of living.

  2. en espaƱol mi idioma, espero nosbal supere las espectativas y es mas estoy seguro que lo lograra ya que los nicaraguense no los damos por vencida tan facilmente Frank Collado Beca 00159
