Wednesday, June 30, 2010

BECA DESERTION #3 . . . (and why I feel bad about it)

Another student, Ena Miranda, has left the BECA program. Why? She failed a course in her Laboratory Clinician career and then failed the make-up exam. In this neck of the woods, that means "you're out."

I feel kinda bad about Ena. You see, BECA asks all of the students to keep us informed of their studies. The students send us monthly e-mail reports. Also, we read their blogs to try to spot any signs of trouble.

In Ena's case, her monthly reports seemed normal. Her blog, however sparse, seemed normal.

We try to emphasize to all the BECA students to let us know if they are running into some kind of difficulty. And we try to visit them at school.

Try, shmy.

Well darn it, try is just not good enough and is not going to cut it. In Ena's case, we didn't pay her a personal visit at school.

Nicaraguans are proud people and don't like to admit when things aren't going their way. Well, come to think of it , who does?

Lesson learned. I'm really sorry, Ena. We were asleep at the wheel and missed it. And now I have to live with the fact that maybe there was something we could have done to help you out before.

If there is any consolation Ena has helped us improve the BECA program. From this point forward it will be BECA policy to visit every student at school every month. No exceptions.


  1. Why would you post this girl's photo and full name?? You are sick. Have some respect! Just because people need help paying for their education doesn't mean they deserve to have their struggles broadcast on the internet! I could maybe see a personal note to the individual donor explaining that the funds were going to be reallocated to a different student...but come on! Do you want YOUR GPA spewed all over the internet?

  2. and then to sterotype about how all Nicas are proud people who won't ask for help? Why not focus on the lessons learned (eg, make sure to visit students personally in school) instead of calling this girl out like that. Have some respect!

  3. lo siento mucho es una noticia muy triste una amiga y compañera de curso como Ena hubiera desertado de beca, Dios sabra por que? yo lo extrañare por que ya no esta en la comunidad beca Frank Callado Beca 00159
