Friday, March 5, 2010

A Bloody Interesting Day

On Saturday BECA students gathered to donate blood at the Red Cross here in Masaya.

(Pardon the yucky pun in the title . . . but it did get your attention, right?)

Out of 48 students, about 30 showed up. Most gave.

A couple of observations.

First, about five students were disqualified from donating because they didn't weigh enough. The minimum weight to donate is 100 pounds. These people are young adults. Tells you something, huh?

Second, it appears that the culture here is avowedly "anti-blood-giving." All of the students were strongly encouraged to bring along others to donate. None did!

Moreover, none of the students had ever donated before -- or even considered it, from what I could tell. Myths about blood-giving abound. Heard in the waiting room: "Giving blood will make me gain weight."

That made the day that much more special. Despite popular sentiment, BECA students showed up and gave back to their community.

Maybe next time, we'll see a friend or two.

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