Sunday, February 7, 2010

Giving Back

An important principle in play at BECA is giving back.

BECA relies upon the generosity of sponsors from all over the world to give back and help send Nicaraguans to school. Without this "giving back" BECA would be dead in the water.

But what about the students? After all they receive 100% scholarships (tranportation included!), right?

The students show their appreciation in two ways.

First, they have the option of working in their community on a social project of their choosing.

Some work in health clinics. Some help out at schools. Others volunteer at their church. Still others clean parks in their community.

We suggest a minimum of three hours a week. Some work less. Some work more.

For 2010 we have a second way in which the students can give back. We are setting up group activities in the community.

Our first group social "project" took place this Saturday (February 6th, 2010). We went to visit the Masaya Seniors' Residence. Out of 52 eligible students, more than 40 showed up to spend a couple of hours with the elders of their community.

I was very, very proud of these young people and judging by the number of smiles, it was far from a  one-way street as they had the privilege of drinking in the wisdom and gentle spirit of their community's "ancianos."

Take a peek at the video. It's only 88 seconds. And it might make you smile too.

1 comment:

  1. La visita a los ancianitos fue un exito, pero mejorarla sera dificil asi que, a trabajar duro. Eso es el mayor reto.
