Monday, December 7, 2009

$90/pound Coffee

Okay, so last night (Sunday, December 6th) was the very first fundraising event for BECA outside of Nicaragua. (And I could attend!)

It was . . . absolutely delightful. And for the first time in about 25 years, I was actually nervous speaking before a group of people. Not really sure what got into me.

And you sure have to hand it to those Edmontonians. On a -30 (yep, that's MINUS 30!) degrees Celsius evening, I am guessing there were about 150 people in attendance.

At this time, I am unsure how much money was raised for BECA. Not the most important thing, though. Personally, it was very special moment for me knowing that "other" people believed in BECA enough to do something like this.

I will always remember and cherish this "first."

Thank you Greg, Blake, Matt, Erin and all the warm (and brave) souls at Calvary Baptist Church in Edmonton. Special thanks to the artists who donated 20% of their proceeds to BECA.

P.S. Quick thinker of the day award? None other than MC Greg Wiens who decided at the last minute to auction off a vase and coffee that I brought from Nicaragua. My idea was to give it as a door prize. His idea worked a little better. The result? $160 for the vase; $90 for the bag of coffee. And therein lies the title to this blog entry.

1 comment:

  1. Cool job Walter. Get back to some warm weather. Will sponsor a student before year end.
