Saturday, July 11, 2009

The BECA Bank Account Saga

If you heard a big scream on the morning of Wednesday, July 1st, it was me. Nope, I wasn't celebrating Canada's 142nd birthday.

After visits to four Nicaraguan banks -- and mucho pleading and cajoling and waiting outside bankers' offices -- BECA finally got its very own authentic Nicaraguan bank account.

Cost to BECA: a year, five BECA t-shirts and $360 (lawyer).

Aside: The t-shirts worked the best. I wish I had thought of that a long time ago.


  1. Another hurray! for the beautiful change in home page.

    Congrats on the Bank account.


  2. Thanks for the kind words on the redesign, Lisa.

    Any further suggestions on how BECA can improve its Web presentation would be welcome!

  3. The Impact display is powerful. Good addition to the informative aspect at first glance.

    Brian's departure blog postings gave the website texture and meaning. It is obvious that what you are doing is making a positive impact in the community and that organization is genuinely seeking nothing else than to contribute.

