Thursday, March 26, 2009

Field Trips!

To us Westerners, field trips sometimes come in the form of a Museum of Science, a visit to the nation's capital, or a stop at an Aquarium (I’m from Miami…that’s what we do!). But for BECA, field trips come in the form of school visits.

Through our valiant effort to stimulate “outside of the box” thinking amongst our becados, we first created the Career Plan module, which provides our becados with the necessary training to develop a long-term plan for their studies. To compliment that module, we decided to organize field trips to schools in Granada and Managua that offer vocational careers.

Why do we offer these field trips? Because we are about giving opportunities! To do that, we want to show our becados that there are opportunities and possibilities outside of Masaya, and then have them decide…for themselves…what suits their interests best.

In addition to having fifty attendees on each trip, for many of our becados these trips served as a first-time visit to Granada and Managua.

So...will our becados apply to study at these schools? We hope so, but we'll have to wait and see.

Did we open their eyes…even un poquito? I’d like to think…YES!

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