Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This Holiday Season

Last month, on a trip to New York City, I took a friend of mine out for brunch at a restaurant near Central Park. For two omelets, two sides of toast, two cups of Joe, tax, and tip, the bill rounded up to $43.

A $43 meal in downtown New York is nothing to gasp over. In fact, some people would find it reasonable. But with the kind of work that we do, I couldn't help but think: $43 = two months of school for one becado.

When I stumble into situations like these, I really have to ask myself. What is more disturbing? That I just dropped $43 on a brunch? Or that $43 covers two months of school for one of our Nicaraguan students?

I try to do this as little as possible, because the truth is that all situations are relative. Yes. We can agree that $43 is pricey for any brunch. Yes. We can also agree that $43 is beyond reasonable for two months of computer school. But how about this?

None of our students can afford a $60 course.

During this holiday season, I have thought long and hard how to bring people to BECA - how to market the organization, how to present our students, and how to connect with other parts of the world. I thought about throwing up pictures such as this:

= 1/3 BECA Course One


= 3 Sponsored Becados

But then I came to a conclusion: Those who are giving, will give.

As 2008 comes to a close, I believe it is only fair to announce our progress to date. Because of YOU, at this moment 65 students will be going to school in February. Meaning...only 35 more remain.

This Holiday Season, you can still send someone to school. And for the next holiday season, I can guarantee you one thing - $43 brunches no more!

Happy Holidays

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