I read every single one that comes in to us through our Contact Us page.
95% of the e-mails come from desperate people from Africa (mostly) and other parts of the developing world looking for sponsors. I reply to each and every one sadly informing them that BECA is only active in Nicaragua.
From time to time, another kind of e-mail comes through the door.
They go something like this:
Dear BECA,Wait, it doesn't stop there. Here is the kicker.
I just stumbled upon the BECA.org website. Wow, you guys are doing something really fantastic. I'm really impressed. I think education is what developing countries really need. I once visited Nicaragua and I noticed . . . [blah blah blah] . . . What you are doing is very cool. What can I do to help? . . .
"As a matter of principle, I don't give money."Hmmmm.
Okay, fair enough. There are things this BECA fan can do and I am happy to oblige. He or she can:
- make a comment on a student blog
- sign up to get our newsletter
- join us on our Facebook page
- tell other people about BECA
To what me-no-give-money principle are they referring? Does anyone know?