Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Secret Reasons We Give

Along with the graphic images and gut-wrenching stories that accompany the massive disaster we simply refer to as "Haiti" come a fair number of analyses on giving, generosity, and philanthropy.

One article caught my eye.

The issue: what is the real reason people give money to charity? Some suggestions by the author:
  • guilt
  • the desire to boost our social status
  • the need to feel good about ourselves
It made me ask myself why I am really doing what I am doing here in Nicaragua. Tough question -- COPOUT ALERT! -- I really need more time to think about it.

Nevertheless, what immediately sprung to my mind was the effort here in Nicaragua to raise funds for the Haitian relief effort. Here we have citizens in what some people consider to be the second-poorest country in the Western Hemisphere (Nicaragua) helping the poorest (Haiti).

Analyze that!

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Best BECA Day (so far)

January 8th, 2010: the day of the BECA orientation meeting for the students who received technical career scholarships this year.

55 students received scholarships and 55 were expected to be there.

How many students would show up to claim their scholarship? I figured 45. Life is complicated around here so I thought 10 might go by the wayside, for whatever reason.

52 excited young Nicaraguans showed up.

I cannot express to you the joy I felt congratulating each of the 52 students, one by one, and telling them: "Usted merece la beca" ("You deserve the scholarship").

I knew beforehand that Friday, January 8, 2010 would be a day that I would never forget for the rest of my life.

I wasn't wrong.