Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What does "501(c)3" mean to you?

It probably doesn't mean a lot to you. It means a helluva lot to me, though, and it represents a milestone for BECA.

On February 23rd -- my sister's birthday! -- BECA received a letter from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) confirming our legal status as non-profit. 501(c)3 refers to the section of the United States Internal Revenue Code under which BECA obtained this exemption.

Here is the proof: IRS Approval Letter.

Why is this important to me? I can think of three reasons.

First, American taxpayers will now be able to deduct their contributions to BECA.

Second, this qualification by the IRS enhances the legitimacy of our organization in the eyes of American donors.

Third, and by far the most important to me, this moment represents a graduation of sorts for BECA. A little idea hatched in my (little?) mind sixteen months ago is now a recognized public charity. There is no turning back and the passion I feel for this project has taken on a whole new dimension. An objective party - not a friend, family member, or poverty activist - has given BECA the green light.

I'm thrilled.

Friday, February 13, 2009

BECA Website Now Speaks Spanish

Okay, I guess a website can't speak, but you know what I mean.

I've always thought BECA was missing out by not reaching out to Spanish-speaking surfers -- not only in Spain, but also to Spanish-speaking expatriates of Central America living in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere.

Let's see if they respond.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why are these people happy?

Introducing our first group of BECA Intensive scholarship recipients:

Top: Elvis (Yes, he is alive and doing well in Masaya, Nicaragua.)

Bottom (left to right): Manuel, Sorania, Francis, Kenia, Claudia, and Maribel.